The Association Of Mergers & Acquisition Specialists


Connecting entrepreneurs and investors with exceptional business opportunities






Supporting M&A specialists in the SME sector


Providing M&A professionals with education, resources, transactional support and networking opportunities to grow successful businesses


Our members focus exclusively in the SME sector, primarily with businesses between 1m and 25m of sales revenues across Europe, the USA and Canada with partnerships in Asia and Australia.


Our members work with business owners in the £5-50m transaction range to create and increase the long-term value of businesses, investing in both distressed and highly profitable entities to achieve growth at scale to an exit event.


Together with our associate partners, our mission is to offer business owners a leveraged strategic exit plan to compound their asset value and capitalise on their efforts to secure a financial legacy for them and their families.











Continual Professional Development


Is the key to creating more opportunities in the future for M&A specialists who operate in the Small and Medium sized Enterprise arena.


It can be extremely difficult to succeed as a lone operator without a solid background of having previously built and sold businesses which is why so many people from the corporate environment struggle to make their first 5 acquisitions.


By joining Consortiat members benefit from leveraging the Consortiat communities’ knowledge, experience and connections in a number of ways to all members benefits


  • A comprehensive 2-day dealmaker training
  • Bi-weekly Q&A online sessions
  • Members online tutorials on real world deal structures
  • Professional resources – Accountants, Legal, finance sources
  • JV partners exchange









Business Turnaround Solutions


Financial engineering strategies and funding sources



For those who focus in the distressed arena, it’s crucial that you have the most up to date turnaround strategies and financial institutional resources to aid you in acquiring and turning around a company that has and continues to have financial challenges.


Across the Consortiat membership we have specialists available to assist fellow members in assessing the potential of a company in a turnaround situation and funding sources who will confirm if a financial restructure can be funded based on the financial situation of a company.


If the financials cannot be found, Consortiat have connections who can assist in reducing the impact of the company going into receivership.






Be a part of something bigger...


Growth by association


All seasoned entrepreneurs know that to succeed on a level beyond the norm requires that we have a 'who not how' mindset.


Your connections are one of your greatest resources, they give you the ability to get things done that you either simply don't want to do or are outside of your personal knowledge to complete on your own.


As a member of the Consortiat assosiation you are an assett to fellow members for the knowledge, experience and connections you have which of course means you by default will now have 'assets' all over the world that you can draw on to complete a transation on any subject and join formed consolidated syndicate roll ups. 


Membership follows an informal interview

Contact us today to explore the potential for your M&A business, it just might be the most profitable conversation you've had in many years.


To find out more about joining the Association of M&A specialists please contact

















Rapid growth




Planned Exit